Ehsan  Hoque

CV   |  Publications  | Teaching  |  Students  |  Press Personal





mehoque AT {gmail. dot com}
Twitter: @ehsan_hoque

Projects (Active)

Parkinsons analysis
Creativity in Social Network
Climate change
End-of-life communication

Projects (archived)

Understanding Credibility
ROC Speak
Aging and engaing
Multimodal Humor analysis
Honing Speaking Skills
Prediction of job interviews
MIT Mood Meter
Temporal Modeling of Smiles
Speech Therapy
Reykjavik Arts Festival







I am a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Rochester. I co-lead the Rochester Human-Computer Interaction (ROC HCI) Group. I am part of the newly formed Institute for Human Health and the Environment. I received my PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2013.

Research Statement: My research program aims to use techniques from artificial intelligence to amplify human ability. I model and capture the dynamics of human behavior and their relationships using machine learning, computer vision, and network sciences, and design interactive systems to promote equity and access in health care and education.

Applications: Our algorithmic intuitions have positively  impacted the lives of disadvantaged, ill, disabled and other individuals who struggle with socio-emotional communication, such as those with autism, severe anxiety, neurodegenerative disease, PTSD, Aging and terminal illness. Other applications include public speaking, job interviews, music training, negotiations, collaborations, and credibility.  Check out the projects page for more details.

Real-world impact: Our research in 2012 resulted in a patent introducing the idea of a computer being a conversation coach. Building on this patent, Microsoft released 'Speaker Coach' now available in PowerPoint.

In 2009, As part of a team at Disney Imagineering, we introduced Autonomatronics, debuting "Otto", the first interactive figure that can see, hear and engage with a live audience


News and Announcements




  • Best paper nominations at ACII 2022 and ACM MM. Both papers were written by undergrads in collaboration w/ graduate students.
  • I am officially an IRONMAN! :-)  video
  • Yearly retreat of our lab celebrating students accomplishments and graduations. 
  • Keynote at the International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding at ICPR 2022
  • Grateful to have received $700K from Army Research Lab to redesign and maximize human productivity through self-organized social networks.
  • Congrats to Kamrul Hasan and Raiyan Abdul Baten for successfully defending their PhDs.
  • Graduated PhD #5. Congrats to Samiha Samrose.
  • April is Parkinson's awareness month. NIH created a video highlighting the Udall Centers of Excellence at UR.
  • A nice shoutout by Healio on our end-of-life communication research. 






2016 and before
