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Automated 'coach' could help with social interactions MIT Homepage spotlight.
Virtual Conversation Coach Helps Overcome Social Awkwardness, Public Speaking Anxiety
Say Goodbye to the Taped Interview
New online device classes up people with poor social skills
Video: Interview With an Avatar
Are you socially awkward? There's an app for that!
Is that smile real or fake? MIT Homepage spotlight.
MIT's algorithm can spot a fake smile better than a human can.
MIT Researchers Decode Your Smile.
What It Means That Computers Can Tell These Smiles Apart, But You Can't.
How to End the Age of Inattention.
How to understand a smile.
New Computer Algorithm Knows Your Phony Smile [Video].
What's In A Smile? Turns Out Computers Best Humans At Parsing What's Genuine.
Computers Scan A Crowd, Gauging Its Mood.
MIT Meter Measures the Mood of Passers-By.
Specs that see right through you.
Photo Essay: Furry Robots, and More Innovations from MIT's Media Lab.
Mood Meter, a creation of MIT Media Lab.
Smile, MIT! You are on the Mood Meter.
A phone is not just a phone.
Farmers learn how to beat the market - via cell phone.
Mobilize: MIT's NextLab Seeks to Help Developing COuntries Through Mobile Tech.